Vastfontein Batho Pele Christian Secondary School
In our Secondary School we are not as much concerned with a 100% matric pass rate as we are with a 100% employability. Our goal is to equip each one of our learners to become contributors to the economy rather than consumers. It is important for us to discover each learner’s potential and then direct them accordingly. We recognise the fact that many of our learners will not be able to go to university therefore we focus our education on preparing them for business and the world of work by giving them exposure to career-based learning as well as teaching the essence of self-sustainability.
21st century learning approach
The secondary school continues with the 21st century learning approach, with a high focus on project-based learning and learning through exploration and failure. The focus is on teaching our learners Critical Thinking skills, embracing Creativity and Collaboration with others and cultivating the ability to Communicate well. By allowing our learners to take responsibility for their development and involving them in participative learning, we believe we can achieve our goal of raising leaders, realising potential and realising dreams.
Traditional classrooms will change into technical workshops allowing for design, development and production of solutions to real life problems. Using teachers, facilitators and technical support staff, learners will be assisted in their pursuits and guided into self paced learning while being assessed in this project-based learning environment.
Agriculture, ICT, Business Studies and Tourism
In the discovery of every learner’s strengths and abilities they will be channelled in either academic or vocational directions to complete their schooling accordingly. The focus of the FET phase is on Agriculture, ICT, Business Studies and Tourism. In everything we do and teach our born-again Christian teachers bring in the truth of the word of God and approach every aspect with a Biblical worldview and the love of Christ.

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